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David Mooy

Senior Modeler

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Multi-talented with a passion for teaching.

A longtime veteran of the industry, David began his career illustrating car accidents for the courtroom, which led to illustrating the gruesome injuries caused, which led to illustrating surgical procedures, which led to working on the VFX for dozens of fancy car commercials! This led to VFX work on a wide variety of films, ride films, TV series, and more commercials--which then led to modeling for five Disney animated features and four Disney “apps.” All of this led to his current career as a freelance consultant, modeler, and technical artist for companies working in advertising, design, VFX, games, VR, and big oil. And now all of that has led to doing one of the things he enjoys doing most: teaching.


Intro to Maya


Awesome teacher! I would take other classes taught by David without giving it second thought. Very knowledgeable and friendly, assignments are paced very well, lots of great info that is useful with real applications.


David Mooy speaks in a relaxed manner and doesn’t sound rushed, which is a big plus for students who are not native English speakers.


It is like learning from a real seasoned veteran of the industry. Mooy seemed passionately interested about what he does — and clearly knows his stuff — and you can obviously see that in the Q&As, where he answered a question it would generate more discussion and it was all so interesting to listen to and you learned so much.


David presented the material in a very easy to understand way and the course itself was definitely a good kickstart into learning the basics of Maya.


Mr David Mooy has the ideal teaching style for helping learners at the early stage of their journey, not only to develop skills quickly, but also to be enthused and excited about the learning journey ahead. He’s patient, positive, personable and knows his subjects inside out.


I just want to say how great David was as an instructor, his videos were full of info and yet he still managed to make them upbeat and interesting. His feedback was always encouraging and made me want to get better for the next week’s assignment.
