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The Sheep in the Q&A

CGMA students and instructors live everywhere. It sparks funny stories, unexpected new friendships, and a network of international, highly motivated artists aspiring to be a part of a community that resembles them in its unicity. We thought it was about time we shared some of these stories.
Thomas was one of our first students. He lived in a small village in Austria where he taught art to high school students and raised a pet sheep on his farm in his downtime. On one particularly nice evening, during the class’s weekly Q&A, Thomas decided to take his laptop outside. Also present in the session were Nick, a student in Texas, and Jason Scheier, the instructor in Los Angeles. All participants had their microphones on so they could talk to each other. ThomasKleinbergerWhat Thomas forgot, however, was that it was 6pm, the time he usually fed his sheep dinner. When he heard Thomas come outside, he started bleating loudly in anticipation of food. Meanwhile, Nick’s dog in Texas heard the noise through the video conference and started barking, causing the sheep bleat even more! Eventually, they had no other choice but to turn off their microphones since nobody could hear anything else than the cacophony of a dog digitally herding a stubborn, bleating sheep from more than 5000 miles away.